Our Church Blog

Church Participation

Why aren't people going to church?

There are a number of reason which all have significant impact.

1) If the generation before yours tolerated a drop in their attendance then it falls onto the next generation. They will usually tolerate more lack of attendance. It is not just attendance, but belief and faith. The number of younger people dropping from religion is increasing and the non believers is increasing. Look to your parents to see what they relaxed on when it comes to religion and see if that rubbed off on yourself and if you have relaxed a bit more.

2) Those that were already on the fence about church going were pushed over that fence with the arrival of COVID. Many laws and rules established that gathering in faith based worship services was not appropriate because it brought people physically closer together. So the law says no church and people fell right in line. They now had an excuse to stop attending.

3) Churches do not adapt to the younger frame of mind. They do update music and profess to accept all people of all types, but if they do not show a true belief in what changes they make then those captured by those words soon see through it and find someplace else to be accepted.

We should look at these separately and break them down and also find a cure for the ailment.

Let's face it, if people stop going to church and practicing faith, then they remove God from their life. In doing so they replace their moral decision measure by the populace. If we do not have a supreme figure to worship and answer to then our reasons for doing good versus bad becomes more arbitrary.

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