June Newsletter 2024

 Pine Cone Press


June 2024

Pine Tree Cumberland Presbyterian Church

P.O. Box 5340

1805 Pine Tree Road

Longview, Texas 75608

(903) 759-2685

Rev. Cindy Barton, Pastor

(442) 235-1393

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.    Website: https://www.pinetreecpchurch.org


From the Pastor’s: Summer’s Journey – A Study in Loving One Another

As we go into the season of summer, many of us will have opportunity to share travels, experiences, and outings with others. A perfect summer project might be to experiment with how living the love of Christ could affect our summer journeys and our lives. 1 John 3:11 says, “This is the message you have heard from the beginning: We should love one another.” There is a relationship between faith and love. Faith brings us into a loving relationship with God: because we are loved by God, we love Him in return, and we also love what He loves… his children! Even the smallest church, then, should be able to do two things well: to believe in Christ as Lord and to love one another as Christ has loved us! Christ commanded his followers to love one another many times in his teaching: perhaps this commandment of such great importance to Jesus is not so easy to follow! We need to learn what it looks like to love one another.

I share with you a chart from The Jeremiah Study Bible, entitled “Fifteen Key Instructions on How to Treat One Another”. I suggest these verses as a summer reading and living project:

Love one another:1 John 3:23; 4:7,11,12; John 13:34-35; 15:12,17; Romans 13:8; 1 Thessalonians 3:12; 4:9; 1 Peter 1:22; 4:8; 2 John 1:5. Be like-minded: Romans 12:16; 15:5. Do not judge one another: Romans 14:13; Colossians 2:16. Admonish one another: Romans 15:14. Serve one another: Galatians 5:13. Bear with one another in love:  Ephesians 4:2; Colossians 3:13. Be kind to one another: Ephesians 4:32. Submit to one another in the fear of God: Ephesians 5:21. Forgive one another: Ephesians 4:32; Colossians 3:13; Comfort one another: 1 Thessalonians 4:18; 5:11. Encourage one another daily: Hebrews 3:13; 10:25. Do not speak evil of one another: James 4:11. Do not grumble against one another: James 5:9. Confess your trespasses to one another: James 5:16. Pray for one another: James 5:16.

What would living in the love of Christ look like in the give and take of daily life? How could following the command to love one another affect our summer journeys? These verses might help us envision the answers to these questions. Happy journeying with Jesus this summer!


Pine Tree CP Women’s Ministry to Meet

The next meeting of the Pine Tree CP Women’s Ministry will be held on June 15 at 10:30 AM in the fellowship hall of Pine Tree CP Church. Nancy Abernathy will present the program and Helen Nunn will provide refreshments. Please join us to learn God’s word, plan for local outreach projects, and enjoy Christian fellowship.                                                                  


Important Dates to Remember

Sunday, June 2           Worship – 10:30 A.M.


Sunday, June 9           Sunday School – 9:30 A.M.   

                                Worship – 10:30 A.M.

June 9 to 14              Trinity Presbytery Camps

                                Camp Gilmont 

                                Gilmer, Texas  

Thursday, June 13       Session Meeting

                                1:00 P.M.

Saturday, June 15       CPWM Meeting

                                10:30 A.M.             

Sunday, June 16         Worship – 10:30 A.M.

                                Father’s Day

                                Noon Meal

                                Rev. James Cantey, Guest Minister

June 16-21                General Assembly

                                Evansville, Indiana

Sunday, June 23         Sunday School – 9:30 A.M.   

                                Worship – 10:30 A.M.

Sunday, June 30         Sunday School – 9:30 A.M.   

                                Worship – 10:30 A.M.


193rd General Assembly to Meet

The 193rd General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church will meet June 16 to 21, 2024, in Evansville, Indiana. Commissioner orientation begins Monday, June 17. Committees of the church will meet on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The final business meeting and a closing worship service are expected to occur on Thursday. Commissioners representing Trinity Presbytery include ministers Rev. Geoff Knight and Rev. Cindy Barton and elders Steve Woodson and Jay Young.


We would like to send congratulations to the following 2024 graduates.

Amber Parker graduated Magna Cum Laude from A & M Commerce, TX with an Art degree in Ceramics. After taking some time off, Amber plans to continue her education and achieve a Master of Arts Degree. Amber is the daughter of Robert and Maria Parker and granddaughter of Pat Parker.

Lauren Parker graduated from Letourneau University, Longview, TX with a Medical Biology Degree.  Lauren plans to pursue advanced studies in Medicine. Lauren is the daughter of Robert and Maria Parker and granddaughter of Pat Parker.

Laylah Rios, daughter of Phillip and Cassondra Barton of Eureka, CA and granddaughter of Rev. Cindy Barton, graduated from Eureka High School, Eureka, CA. Laylah will attend Northwest Vista Community College in San Antonio, TX.

Gavin Tatum graduated from Adairsville High School, Adairsville, GA and will attend Southwest College for Engineering. Gavin is the son of Amber and Andy Abernathy of Adairsville, GA and great-grandson of Pine Tree CPC member Nancy Abernathy.

We know these students have a very bright future ahead. We are excited to see where your next chapter leads and the things you will accomplish.


Guest Ministers at Pine Tree CPC

We welcome guest ministers who will fill our pulpit on two Sundays in June while Pastor Cindy Barton is away on travel. Rev. John Lindsay will share the message “What We Believe” on June 2. Rev. James Cantey will explore the question “What Are We Going to Do?” on June 16. Please come to be spiritually fed as these ministers lead our congregational worship.